Thursday, October 30, 2008

Asyraff d botak boy (PART 1)

30/10/08 (2156)
On 24/10/08 around 1700 Asyraff jd botak boy.. I already upload pics Asyraff step by step b4 botak rambutnya ^^
By d way should ada bidan yg datang tp die sesat so ada jiran my bro's in law yg tolong shavekan rambut Asyraff.. :)

1) Asyraff di bedung b4 rambutnya d shave..

2) Asyraff staring at Mak Siti (jiran my bro's in law) by d way Mak Siti is a nurse.. ^^
He's like know sumting will happen to him.. hehehhe...

3) Rambut Asyraff on d way nk d botakkan.. huhu.. cian Asyraff.. mei you rambut nnt ^^
His face already show that he dont like d process :p..

4) He's begin to start crying.. U see his leg already start to moved.. ehehhhe..
i think if he can run, lari pecut rupanya.. like me dl when nk cabut gigi.. hahhaa.. last² kene tangkap jugak wif my bro.. huhuuh :P

5) Asyraff start crying.. poor him.. his voice very loud u know ^^"

6) Wawa (my SIL) had to hug him.. need to feed him milk.. ^^" if u guys can see his tears still bergenang kat mata die..

7) Mak Siti terpaksa shave rambut Asyraff like dis ^^" so he's not too concentrate about his hair while drinking his milk :p

8) My bro and Wawa need to pujuk him.. he's still crying.. kantul kot method tadi.. ^^"
ada gaya parents mithali x? :p

9) He's sleeping.. hehe.. quite funny bile nanges then die ble tido .. :P

u see kain yg buat bedung da x jd bedung pn.. ^^"

10) ok ambut blakang pulak.. asyraff quite.. tertido :P

11) Mak Siti tuka shaving blade.. blade or knife? :p

sambung part 2..
i'm d bad photographer ^^"
lilm@fia - amoi

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