Saturday, February 07, 2009

Wish for my Heart

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My friend asked me to said sumthing to my heart.. coz my heart already hurt for few times.. so here go.. it really touch me.. make me cried ^^"

Honestly I 4get to close a lil bit my heart.. my friend said my heart is too open ^^" and if i can see my heart i guess i will see too much scar.. huhu.. but i wish i can be strong.. hope so :)

Mr ZM:put ur right hand on ur chest
Mr ZM: search for ur heart
Mr ZM: now
Mr ZM: at ur heart
Mr ZM: tell her this
Mr ZM: dear heart,
Mr ZM: i know ur sincere
Mr ZM: and warm
Mr ZM: but i rather be cold
Mr ZM: than being warm
Mr ZM: for other cold hearted beings
Mr ZM: dear heart,
Mr ZM: please grant my wish
Mr ZM: and open my heart for those whose deserving
Mr ZM: and close my heart for those who'll taken me for granted

so touching rite..?? hope my heart will fulfill my wish.. amin..

Thanks Cikkim for d great wish.. u really make me cried ^^".. coz i just realise dat I 4got to take care of my heart..

Me and only me,
lil m@fia

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